
EU flag LLP EN-01

H-CoDe Info

We had now four meetings in Marburg/Germany, Barcelona/Spain, Sofia/Bulgaria and Lodz/Poland. and now you find the results of our work.

In Lodz we signed a declaration that we will develope further our project ideas and implement all methods into our daily work.

All results and products now are available in all languages of the partners and additionally also in Fench. Tell us what you are thinking about this first step.

If you need more information don't hesitate to contact the coordinator:

Dieter.Schulze (a) inibia.eu 


This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.


Antragsteller von H-CoDe
Arbeit und Bildung e.v.
Angelika Funk
Krummbogen 3
35039 Marburg
Email: funk (a) arbeit-und-bildung.de

Koordinator von H-CoDe
Dieter Schulze
Eichenallee 5
59514 Welver-Dinker
Email: Dieter.Schulze (a) inibia.eu

Who's Online

We have 2 guests and no members online

 In the meantime the results are validated by the partners and prepared for the download:

  1. The theoretical basis for the finished curriculum is a differentiation of the instructional material in areas of "learning fields" and "learning situations". This system is maintained in all languages, so it is transferable and comparable. Here you see a small presentation.
  2. In the manual you can follow in all languages, the basis for the development of the curriculum: English, German, Spanish, French, Slovenian, Turkish, PolishBulgarian.
  3. Thus, the terms used are traceable and comparable in all languages and cultures, we provide a glossary in 8 languages.
  4. Here you will find the frame-curriculum in the following languages: English, Spanish, German, French, Slovenian, Turkish, Polish, Bulgarian.
  5. The processing of the frame-curriculum and the various learning fieds into Learning Situations are available in Bulgarian, English, German, Spanish, Slovenian, French, Polish and Turkish.
  6. In order to train appropriate trainers, we have developed a competency profile for the trainers, availabe in English.
  7. Last but not least we present the evaluation about the complete network and project and also the evaluation about the curricula and the pilot trainings.

For more information don'nt hesitate to contact the coordinator of the network, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it." target="_blank">