- Created: Friday, 23 November 2012
The project partners are from education, employment policy, school, curriculum development, working with (long-term) unemployed and sick clients, old and young ...
We had now four meetings in Marburg/Germany, Barcelona/Spain, Sofia/Bulgaria and Lodz/Poland. and now you find the results of our work.
In Lodz we signed a declaration that we will develope further our project ideas and implement all methods into our daily work.
All results and products now are available in all languages of the partners and additionally also in Fench. Tell us what you are thinking about this first step.
If you need more information don't hesitate to contact the coordinator:
Dieter.Schulze (a) inibia.eu
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
The project partners are from education, employment policy, school, curriculum development, working with (long-term) unemployed and sick clients, old and young ...
We work day and night, without interruption the pressure to success is high, the economy global, but everywhere there are ...
Read more ...... human beings who work their time in "unnatural" relationships, they get eventually unable to work, sick and also become unemployed, especially if their skills do no longer correspond to the "standard", and eventually, the unemployment becomes long-term unemployment and the chances finding a new job is always low. What to then?
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